Altea Fishing Port, Spain
As the population has 'increased', the amount of fish in the Mediterranean has 'decreased' and now at this present time, (although the authorities have now intervened), it is probably too late to rectify this drastic situation. The 'catch 22' is on the lips of all surrounding countries that 'fish' the med, but to no avail. The fishing boats still leave the harbour in the early hours of the morning and return late afternoon with sometimes an insufficient haul to make the trips worthwhile). (Most) small fish, caught by accident, are discarded and thrown back into the sea with no chance of recovery. This is where the 'Guardia Civil' come into operation. Mincing words is not one of their occupations - their boats are 'Superfast' and 'Armed' . Wow - After saying all that, I must continue on a lighter note - if I may.
The Altea Port Spain, (A Lancashire lad's playground).
Armed with the price of a couple of pints - a pair of sunglasses - a fishing rod - 'plenty of respect' - enough of the Spanish language to get by and a (FUGIFILM 5.2 Mega Pixels Fine Pix A 370) Camera. Bought on E bay for £6.00p - excluding batteries I might add !!!. (Let's walk).
(All Photos c/o Dave Wammy Walmsley 2012 - 2015).
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